Friday, May 24, 2019

KENYAN POLITICS; Uhuru will not support Ruto 2022 presidential bid.

Many people are asking questions whether Uhuru will support Ruto presidential bid in 2022.?The answer is big NO.

                                        Uhuru does not owe Dr. William Ruto anything.

                                                   Help me Answer below questions;

1. When Dr. William Ruto decamped ODM for support of Uhuru, did he move out of his former Orange party because he had read and understood manifestos of Uhuru and got convinced that Uhuru's Manifestos held good political fruits for his Kallenjin community than what ODM had in its Manifestos there before? OR did Mt. Kenya mafias and political strategists paid Ruto through his friend Uhuru to lure him out of ODM for support of their preferred candidate for political succession and enjoyment of power from Kibaki?

2. Between Mt. Kenya votes and Rift votes loyal to Ruto, which region voted for the duo in 2013 and 2017 in higher number than the other?

3. Between Uhuru and Ruto, who made one another more powerful politically with consideration to loyal ethnic voting matrix and number.?

4.  Mt. Kenya voted for Jubilee with more than 5million votes and Rift valley in favor of Ruto gave Jubilee around 2.6 million votes. Don't you think Mt. Kenya votes made Ruto who he is to day?

5. Ruto became a well known millionaire after ascending to the post of deputy president. Don't you think that Mt. Kenya voters are one the strong political pillars which changed the financial status of Ruto?

                         International Criminal Court rescue.

Dr. William Ruto with his own might as the former minister for higher education could not lift himself out of ICC. Mama Ngina made more than ten trips to England to visit the family of queen Elizabeth to seek help for the release of her Son Uhuru Kenyatta. Because Uhuru could not get released a lone and leave Ruto behind, Mama Ngina had to show mercy and favor for all of them which later saw the duo off the ICC hook. Ruto received his release as a surprise and the greatest miracle he will never forget in his entire life.

                                   Queen Elizabeth's Intervention.

The queen family allegedly summoned Ocampo and Besoudar for a meeting which is believed to have altered the evidence that the court had against the duo and later resulted into the withdrawal of all cases labeled against Uhuru and Ruto. Ruto, the child of a peasant, could not attempt to approach anybody in the whole world to help them save their son from the fangs of ICC. Mama Ngina helped Ruto so much and Ruto as a person knows it very well, he will forever remained indebted to Kenyatta family.

                  Kenya State House race is purely based on political interest.

Kikuyu political advisers and strategists have send signals to the president and Mt. Kenya mafias that they cannot afford to remain in political oblivion 2022 as well as can't short change Ruto and allow Uhuru to remain powerful from 2022. The only medicine which can save all Kikuyu voters and their business across the country only lies in new political outfit between Kikuyus' long time political enemies who are;  Luos, Kambas and Luyhas.  Kikuyu political class are focusing on what can see them have one of their own with more powers in the executive. The vision is not achievable If Ruto is allowed to become president. This is why Uhuru is keen in close working relation with Hon. Raila, Kalonzo and Mudavadi. If the mutual political relationship between Uhuru and NASA team is maintained , Uhuru will still fall somewhere in between Prime Minister or ceremonial president. Either of the positions can't be  reserved for Uhuru or any kikuyu leader if  Ruto becomes president. Neither can the businesses of Kikuyu tycoons remain safe in the hands Ruto as the head of state. Ruto has never been close to famous billionaires in Kenya hence limited chances for the business men to trust Ruto with their resources. The said billionaires business men are true buddies of Raila and they are very comfortable with Hon. Raila as either ceremonial president or Prime Minister with executive powers.
William Ruto on the other hand has his hands tied because he cannot blander to point a Kikuyu as his running mate. If he makes a mistake to choose a Kikuyu as his running mate 2022, that cmay spark fury and hunger from Kenyans against Kikuyu-Kallenjin leadership over other 41tribes since 1963.
Uhuru must remain at executive up to 2027 to give Kikuyus enough time to settle on their next political kingpin.

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