Friday, May 17, 2019

KENYA POLITICS: Deputy President Willian Ruto Can Be A President Of Kenya.

Who Is William Chipchirchir Samoei Arap Ruto.

He is A Kenya Politician who is currently serving as a deputy President Of the republic Of Kenya. He was first elected as deputy president in the year 2013 with President Uhuru Kenyatta as his Boss on Jubilee party ticket. Ruto first won parliamentary election of Eldoret North in the year 1997 on KANU Ticket which was the ruling party. He was appointed assistant Minister in the office of the president in 1998 by Former President Daniel Moi. In the year 2002 he was promoted to senior minster of  Home Affairs. Between 5 and 8 August 2014, the Deputy President served as acting President when President Uhuru went to International criminal court where he was charged with crime against humanity alongside Dr. Ruto. While In parliament, Mr. Ruto served as chainman of select committee for parliamentary for constitutional reforms. Under the power sharing between Hon. Raila Odinga and Mwai Kibaki between 2007-2013, William Ruto was appointed Minister for Agriculture where he was later dismissed by his ODM party leader Raila Odinga following integrity grounds of Maize scandal. He was later reappointed By president Kibaki who was serving as Kenyan President and Raila was the prime minister. He served as the secretary General of KANU in 1998.

                                Can He Become President In 2022???

Deputy president Dr. William Ruto cannot become the president of Kenya in 2022 Or 2027. He can become the president in 2032 however, his presidency ambition can still be stopped when 2032 arrives.

                                     Factors Which Dent Ruto's Presidency In 2022.

1.   Corruption allegations.   Previously, Kenya has been bedeviled by swindling of public funds without stun action from the ruling Authority. President Uhuru Kenyatta has decided to deal with corruption head on as one of the legacy he wants to live behind him. When Ruto became the deputy President in their first term of ruling, he became too careless, too much aggressive and excessively arrogant with his ethics and integrity. He allowed his cronies in the government agencies to steal public money carelessly without considering what may be fall them in future. Ruto and his allies in first term of Jubilee Government were confident that they were untouchable regardless of massive constitutional violation. We can remember very well, before Kenyans could go for 2017 general election, one Mr. Mwangi went to court to seek the source of Ruto's Wealth. Where did Mwangi go to? he was stopped by Mt. Kenya political strategist because his actions would deny Uhuru votes from Rift Valley and Uhuru would have failed terribly in the election without Kalenjin Votes. Do you Remember  Nick Salat representing KANU at Uhuru Park when NASA was launching it's manifesto? how could Nick Salat take KANU to Nasa and KANU belongs to Moi who is close political trustee of Uhuru Kenyatta? It is because KANU wanted Jubilee to fail so that Ruto could loose the power he was enjoying. Later Uhuru Visited Mio at his Kabarak Home and pleaded for support of KANU. Courtesy of Uhuru, KANU recanted its support for NASA and rallied behind Jubilee.
The Mwangi with corruption case in court and KANU support for NASA is still alive owing to the fact that Uhuru will not vie again. COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli is not a mad man to tell you that Ruto's name will not appear in the ballot in 2022 election. That is a matter which was discussed with lawyers, experts and political analysts and they found enough grounds to bar Ruto from contesting in the coming election. Ruto through his proxies allegedly stole money carelessly in the first term of Jubilee Government and Uhuru Government has enough evidence to exude against Ruto in court so that he may be barred from running for the top seat in 2022. Ruto's Corruption Allegations may take him 10 years to cleanse himself before he can be legally allowed to run for Presidency.
Mama Ngina( the President's Biological Mother) once complained in public that Ruto has pushed Uhuru under Siege through often and several black mails by virtue of his Kallenjin Votes. The complains from Mama Ngina were silenced to pave way for 2017 general election.

2.    Kenyan Presidency is won by ethnic voting Blocks. Three main tribes who are politically sensitive must always offer their support for a candidate to Win election. The tribes whose votes normally determine who wins presidential election are ; Kallenjins votes, Kikuyu Votes and Luo votes. These are the tribes who can never be divided to vote in diverse presidential boxes since they all know the benefits which come from Politics. No body can divide them politically. It either Kallenjins to form coalition with Luos against Kikuyus Like it happened in 2007 where the ODM won and electoral commission were defeated to announce legit result due to pressure from the Ruling Government. OR, Luos forming coalition with Kikuyus against Kallenjins as they did in 2002 where Mio and Uhuru as his project conceded defeat when counting was still goin on and also Luos, Kikuyus Unity over powered colonists until they heeded to independent call. OR, Kikuyus forming coalition with Kallenjins against Luos as it was witnessed in 2013 and 2017. William Ruto is alone. Luos and Kikuyus have automatically united against Ruto. Moreover, Gideon Moi with KANU and Isaac Ruto with Pesa Mashinani Party have been placed to feud against Ruto in Rift Valley to split his votes.

3.   The Presidential Candidate Must Have International Support and Network. Raila has friends all over the world starting with India Prime Minister, DC Congo president Hon. Shikeddy, Tanzania President Pombe Magufuli, Former Ghana President Nana Kufu Ado, Former President Of Nigeria Hon. Obassanjo, Russians, Israelites and Germany politicians. Uhuru is current President and therefore he has managed to make friendship with world wide leaders other than Queen Elizabeth's Family. Who are Ruto Friends a part from Waititu, Khalawale, Ichungwa, Jumwa among other Tanaga Tanga  teams. Who can come to his Aid should the government decide to steal his votes in 2022?

4. Presidential Candidate Must Have Die Hard Supporters and Grass root mobilization. Raila has supporters who can take bullets for him until the Government listens to him. Raila can impose a public Holyday and half of the country heeds to his call. Can Ruto do the same and bring businesses in Nairobi to a stand still??

5. Regional Voting Supports; William Ruto Needs at least Half of Votes from Coast Region, Kisii community, Luyha nation, Somalia People, Kamba Nation and Nairobi Region.. Among all the regions, which Region do you think Ruto can get at least 40% of total votes cast as at now? Ruto is only sure with 75% votes from Bomet, Uasin Gishu, Nandi, Kericho and Elgeyo Marakwet counties. Baringo, Turkana, Kajiado, Isiolo, Marsabit Samburu and Nakuru may vote for him at around 55%.  the voting pattern can only happen if the court will allow him to contest for presidency 2022. From next Year, the Supreme Court of Kenya must brace itself to handle eligibility battle  of Ruto to vie as A president of Kenya in 2022 or not.

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