Friday, May 31, 2019

KENYA POLITICS;UKAMBANI; Current political unity between Ngilu, Mutua and Kibwana against Kalonzo is convinient and vital

Kamba ethnic community are engulf into three different counties. The  counties are; Machakos, Kitui and Makueni. They all neighboring each other. Machakos and Makueni counties and standing at the outskirts of Nairobi city county while Kitui taouches Garisa and Lamu counties.

Machakos county is headed by Governor, Dr. Alfred Mutua who is serving his second and final term, Kitui county is headed by governor Chrity Kaluki Ngilu who is serving her first term after ousting former governor Mr. Malombe and Makueni county is headed by governor, professor Kivutha Kibwana who is serving his second and final term.

                                                          Kamba politics.

Kamba community have been led by Hon. Kalonzo Muyoka as their political Kingpin for more than two decades. However, things are now turning against the politician from Mwingi following upsurge of political rebellion from his backyard orchestrated by incumbent governors leading their respective counties. The governors are accusing their kingpin for lack of development conscious for their people for the long term he has enjoyed solid political support from his people.

                                                   Governors complaints and reservations against Kalonzo.

⇛ The governors are complaining that their people do not have adequate water supply for domestic use and farming regardless of their own man(Kalonzo ) having served in Government for more than 15years.

⇛ The trio reserved that their community have been begging for food in every season that Kenya faces drought despite Kalonzo having served as vice president of Kenya for a whole term.

⇛The politicians are not happy by the manner in which Kamba community votes have been taken for granted by politicians from other communities without developmental reprisal.

⇛Kitui county where Kalonzo comes from has the poorest road network since independent and yet Hon. Kalonzo was once a minister and vice president.

⇛Ukambani has never gotten any government chartered University during Hon. Kalonzo reign until devolution came into being for them to conceive only Machakos University in Machakos for the whole Kamba nation and yet Kalonzo once served as minister for education.

⇛ Ukambani does not have any air strip amid their high population which translate into high votes during every political season.

⇛ Kamba nation never had any industry until devolution was conceived when governor Kivutha Kibwana installed company for Mango while Hon. Kalonzo for more than 2 decades did nothing for his people.

⇛ Hon. Raila Odinga has been in opposition for better part of his political career as compared with Hon. Kalonzo but Raila made sure that Kisumu and Luo nation as a whole are second in development index after Kikuyu nation. Kamba nation aught to have received more development features than any other land in the country because Kalonzo has worked with the all heads of state beginning with Moi.

                                                Are the governors complaints justifiable???

In my opinion, I think the allegations the governors are making against Hon. Kalonzo are valid and must be resolved. 

⇉Kitui county people used to suffer from drought and anger but when Ngilu came to power she solved the issue of water shortage within one year in office while Kalonzo did not bring home any water for 30years.
⇉When governor Mutua ascended to power he managed to upgrade Machakos hospital to level five referral Hospital with viable equipment and ambulances while Kalonzo left his people in the hands of quacks and herbal medics for 30 years.

⇉When Prof.  Kibwana became the governor of Makueni the county residents had a company to worked and improved water, health, road network and education system. Kalonzo's time many schools did not have even class rooms and many schools were relying on dilapidated class rooms.

⇉Today Machakos county has real estates due to improved security and good main amenities in the region. During Kalonzo error visitors had to stop their journey in Nairobi and call it a day.

⇉Governor Charity Ngilu once swore that if she is elected Governor the people of Kitui will never beg for food and water again. Within one year she has proved her words and during the biting drought Kitui people were not among the Kenyans who were given relief food by red cross as people used to witness before. What is so special in Ngilu's reign that Kalonzo could not find in the last 30 years. 

KALONZO is just a bad leader. Kalonzo should quite politics and give other people a chance with development minds to make Kamba nation compete with other communities.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

KENYA POLITICS, KIAMBU; Waititu may face political assasination before 2022.


Kiambu county is county number 022. It borders Nairobi and Kajiado counties to the South and Machakos county to the East, Muranga county to North and North East, Nyandarua county to the North West and Nakuru county to the West. Its first governor was William Kabogo and the current Governor who is the second Governor is Ferdinand Waititu Baba Yao. It is found within central part of Kenya. Its capital town center is Kiambu town while its largest town is Thika town. It has a population of approximately 1.6million people. The county is 45% rural and 55%urban due to its bordering to Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya.  It occupies around 2,44Km square.

                                     Kiambu politics. πŸ”»

   Kiambu county has 12 constituencies which are; Gatundu South, Gatundu North, Lari, Juja, Thika Town, Kabete, Ruiri Githurai, Kiambu, Kiambaa, Limuru, and Kikuyu. His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta comes from Kiambu County, Gatundu South constituency, the member of parliament for the president is Hon. Moses Kuria.

                                  Waititu political dangerous strategy. πŸ”»

 Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta will not retire from active politics in 2022. He has laid down structures which will ensure that he remains politically relevant up to 2027. His move is supported by the political sponsors of Mt. Kenya because they are conscious of luck of political Kingpin from central Kenya by 2022. Uhuru will remain their Kingpin up to 2022 to provide amble opportunity for the central politicians to groom their Kingpin successor. Ferdinand Waititu has refused to live by the reality of Uhuru's continuity in political reign beyond his second term expiry date. Baba Yao is trying to sponsor Ruto's interest against Uhuru in his own home land county of Kiambu. Waititu is touting for Ruto to serve as the Kingpin for Kikuyu nation. Waititu is undermining Uhuru together with his entire Golf club senate members who have given him a go head to represent central up to 2022.

 Benefits that Kikuyu nation may lose if Waititu and Ruto succeed to persuade central voters in their way. πŸ”»

 Central Kenya is deemed the most developed region in Kenya. The enormous development amenities witnessed in Central came to being owing to their long term ruling in Government.

A Kikuyu stands a chance to win a mortgage loan, business loan or personal loan than other Kenyans. They have enjoyed such privileges since independence when Kenyatta senior became the president. When Kibaki ascended to power he made reshuffling in the financial sectors where majority of Loaning departments are headed by a Kikuyu. Majority of Government banks, in the department of loans of various nature are headed by somebody from Central Kenya. Majority of principal secretaries (the accountants) in various ministries and parastatals come from Central Kenya. Such privileges are only available to ethnic communities when they enjoy political power. You cannot enjoy political power of such magnitude if you are divided politically. 

                           Examples of Developments amenities in Central Kenya. πŸ”»

 Central region is the only place in Kenya with fully fledged and chartered Government Universities in all counties.

 Tea leaves from Central region attracts more dividends than all tea leaves from other regions.

 Central region has all their main road networks tarmac to ease flow of goods to main markets in Nairobi and Karatina. Kibaki took power and he first chose to carpet Thika road instead of Mombasa road.

  Central Kenya has the best irrigation schemes for better farming practices as compared to all regions in Kenya.

- Thika is a small town but is has more Government industries which employ more people than other big towns like Kisumu, Eldoret, Nakuru, Machakos amongst others.

Not only people from central Kenya are hardworking than other Kenyans. πŸ”»

 All Kenyans work hard, all Kenyans wake up early and sleep late just to make ends meet and to invest. Some Kenyans have easy access to loaning services and financial boosts than other Kenyans because they are in political power. Do you have a logbook? tittle deed? or other properties which can serve as collateral for a loan in any Government financial institution? Just take a walk to a nearby financial institution and request for any loan or capital to start a business. You will be taken rounds in circles until you give up. If you go back to the same institution with a friend from Central Kenya, your loan will be approved within less than 72 days and it will be pegged on the same collateral which was rejected before when you visited the office alone.

 Any Kenyan has the idea to start a supermarket, a bank, petrol station or any other company. πŸ”» 

All Kenyans would wish to start a big company like their brothers and sisters from central.Their dream cannot materialize with the small income they have. It is therefore necessary to seek loan whenever you have such a wonderful idea, however; when you present you documents for inspection for loan you will receive discouraging call someday later which regrets to inform you that your loan has been declined.

We can all have the Naivas, Tuskys, Tumaini and others but we luck small privilege for capital access. Salary scale is the same across the country but loan access opportunity is not the same.

Waititu latest political move will scuttle all the mentioned above privileges. πŸ”»

 If Baba Yao insist with his political sponsoring for Ruto in Central Kenya it would mean their people will deviate in their business strength as from 2022. If Ruto through Waititu succeeds to divides Mt. Kenya votes by 2022, it will land Central Kenya in opposition side. all the parastatal, ministries and financial institutions will be head by non-Kikuyu and that will make the end of easy loan access for their business, hence poverty plunge in 10 years to come in the region. You cannot win any presidential election with divided voters from your own backyard. You cannot enjoy fruits of political power when you are in opposition. This is the dangerous root Baba Yao wants to take his community by sponsoring URP in central.

 Do Hon. Sabina, Ichungwa and Ndindi Nyoro Love Ruto's manifesto or they love his Money. πŸ”»

 The three politicians who post themselves as Ruto diehard supporters are sober and fully conscious of political disadvantages they stand to put their people if they insist with their support for Ruto. Support for Ruto in central will divide central voters which dent their unity. They will begin to behave like Lhuyas, Kamba's, Somalis, Coast region and Kisiis voters. These areas are devastatingly behind in development and they luck almost 70% of state services. That is because their votes are not trusted and cannot be relied upon as a tool for presidential victory. This is the situation Baba Yao and other Mt. Kenya leaders want to subject central Kenya into.

What may happen to Waititu if he does not tore back to the interest of his community. πŸ”»

 If the Governor refuses to look back and support the will and wish of his people he may face the following fates:

 1.  lose his Gubernatorial seat 2022.

late Business man Jacob Juma.

Musando inside casket after assassination.

2.  ⭆ Get assassinate like Jacob Juma, Chris Musando who were killed by the state and no suspect has been reign in court with the connection of their murder.

3.   Lose his business.

4.  ⭆ Demolition of his buildings in Nairobi based on fake safety measures report.

 5.  Will lose his political attraction forever.

6.  Becomes the greatest enemy of Mumbi and stays in Nairobi for his entire life.

Monday, May 27, 2019

KENYA POLITICS; REVEALED!!! Chiloba might have been privy to Musando's Death before he disappeared and found dead.

Former IEBC chief executive officer Mr. Ezra Chiloba ought to have been intercepted by detectives as prime suspect over the death of former IEBC head of Information department officer Mr. Chris Musando.

Jubilee Won the election by one vote from Chiloba.

Safaricom as communication company was suppose to be used as key witness and exhibit in apprehending the suspects who Killed Musando. Musando allegedly communicated with Chiloba on very weighty issues before he met his death. It is gossiped that the duo met at A hotel along Mombasa road where Chiloba is believed to might have tried to persuade Musando to heed to the wants and conditions of Jubilee. Jubilee was determined to win the 2017 presidential election with or without majority votes. The victory for Jubilee to secure its second term could not be realized without involving the CEO who directs secretariats and the head of technology who was to monitor, invigilate and police the transmission of results. Musando allegedly refused to the terms of Jubilee and he maintained that the election must uphold integrity it deserves to give Kenyans their chosen head of state. The position of Mr. Musando angered Jubilee so much and they asked Chiloba to leave the remaining work for the state to accomplish.

Chris Musando was killed by Jubilee administration.

If Jubilee was determined to bring justice for the family of slain  patriot Musando, the government would have ordered Safaricom to provide call log details between Musando and his recipients.
Musando was assassinated in 2017 and hitherto, no single suspect has been rain in court to answer murder charges. So many murder cases have been witnessed since the death of Musando and all of the cases have seen suspects arrested and charged in court. What is so unique in the murder of Chris Musando that hampers the Government hands from arresting even one person in connection with the murder?

Factors which incriminate Chiloba. 

The sole purpose why Musando got eliminated was to pave way for Jubilee to steal presidential election of 2017. Jubilee confirmed that it was impossible to steal the election without the consent and involvement of Musando and Chiloba. After the death of Musando Jubilee got relieved and their mission moved as planed. This should tell you that Ezra Chiloba accepted to dance to the tune of Jubilee interest.

Chiloba's statements before and during petition in supreme court.

When NASA filed a petition to challenge the IEBC presidential results Chiloba was adamant and he maintained that every process was conducted in free and fare means. Choloba defended the results through out even after it had been declared null and void by the supreme court.

Unanswered important questions?

1.   Do you think Chiloba was defending the results he gave Kenyans or he was defending the results he gave Jubilee?

2.  Do you think Chiloba was defending the integrity of the result or he was defending the millions he was paid to manipulate results?

3. Why did Chiloba refuse to open server for access and read as ordered by supreme court?

4.  Why did Chiloba hide 11,000 forms 34As, and 34Bs until the court passed its verdict?

NASA was aware of Chiloba's determination to hold Jubilee on power for second term.

During campaigns towards the election date Hon Kalonzo Musyoka, Musalia Mdavadi and Moses Wetangula were heard in public rallies warning Chiloba of severe consequences if he goes a head and steal Raila's votes. "Chiloba history will never forgive you if you go a head and steal the votes of Raila."asserted Kalonzo. "Ezra Chiloba if you steal our votes the innocent blood will be lost and everything will remain on your fortune." assured Mdavadi.  "My brother Chiloba don't be cheated that you can steal our votes and run a way with the consequences." Said Wetangula.
The above statements should tell you that NASA had received all the intelligence over Jubilee preparedness with the help of Chiloba to rig 2017 election.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

KENYA, KIAMBU POLITICS; Waititu will not win his second term gubernatorial race.

Ferdinand Waititu Baba Yao is the current Governor for Kiambu county. He took over the mantle for the first and immediate Governor William Kabogo.He is the immediate former member of parliament for Kabete constituency and assistant minister for water services and irrigation. He is a former deputy mayor and councilor of Nairobi city county council. The governor was born in 1962 in Nairobi-Kenya.

He went to Dagoreti high school , he later proceeded to technical University of Kenya initially Known as Kenya polytechnic college. He later moved to India where he obtained a degree in commerce from Siri Guru college. In 2013 he lost gubernatorial race to Dr. Evance Odhiambo Kidero.

                           The political Blunders Waititu is making.

-Baba Yao is the governor for the president Uhuru Kenyatta. Uhuru was born in state house but his up -country root is in Kiandutu village, Gatundu South, Kiambu county.
- Waititu is a Kikuyu by tribe. His tribe are one of the ethnic communities in Kenya who are politically sober, conscious and their Antenor for leadership is always upright throughout.
-Kikuyus still recognize president Uhuru as their political kingpin. This tribe has never voted in more than one presidential ballot box and hence their voting block for 2022 is out of doubt. Kikuyu community are the most developed ethnic community in Kenya followed by Luo community. These two tribes have received massive development advantages against other tribes because they have always remained united politically since independent. Development of regions come with strong united political class. Growth and Development does not come with education. Educated people focus on their family members after coming from their professional work where as politicians focus on their electorates for better life.

-Regions which have been deemed divided along different political lines are all behind in terms of growth and development despite their good numbers in voting matrix.

-Lhuyas, Kambas, Somalis and Coastal regions are so many in number but Luos and Kikuyus are developed than them. This is reality because these regions have never showed political solidary since independent. The Government in power cannot grant any political leader substantial development minutes if the leader does not hold political block and solidarity from his/her backyard. Daniel Moi considered Hon. Raila for a political formation in 1995 because of the strong support he was enjoying. Kibaki was appointed as Vice president by Moi due to Kikuyus solidarity in politics. Kibaki later greed with Raila, Kijana Wamalwa to work together in Narc Government and the three were the main leaders of Narc Government because they had strong support from there home kins' men.

Waititu is sponsoring team tanga tanga in central to split the Mt. Kenya votes.

Waititu is forgetting that team tanga tanga and Kieleweke are only getting waves and tolerated in his home region of Central Kenya. Nobody is singing tanga tanga and Kieleweke anywhere in the country a part from Central Kenya. Nyanza as a whole, Lhuya, Rift valley, Ukambani, Coast, Nairobi  and North Easter are mostly hearing about tanga tanga and kieleweke in the media. If there are kieleweke and tanga tanga in some parts of the country a part from Central Kenya it would be non effective and small as les than 10%. Some do not know what they are pursuing. If tanga tanga and kieleweke manage to sink and hold grounds in Central Kenya, it would mean that  Kenya will go to the 2022 election with Central Kenya votes behaving like Lhuyas' , Kambas, Kissis'. and Somalia. If Central Kenya allows their votes to be divided as Waititu is keen on achieving that, I'm assuring you, central Kenya residents will sit very far a way from power and without power no development and if development stops the future generation of Mumbi grand children will wallow in poverty in 10 years just like people in Turkana, Baringo among other areas.

                   Waititu will not succeed to divide Mumbi votes in favor of Ruto.

Mt. Kenya political strategists are keenly watching what Waititu is planning and they will soon intercept his steps. Business men in Central are successful people financial because of power which has come from their solid votes. Therefore, Waititu will not be allowed to sell Tanga tanga beyond 2020. If he is allowed to do that Kikuyu votes will begin to behave like free market where every presidential candidate moves and take his share.

              Who are the voters ? do they support Uhuru or Ruto and Waititu in central Kenya.?

Voters are members of the public and Kiambu people will speak for gubernatorial race come 2022. The Kiambu voters, are they supporters of President Uhuru? If yes,  Waititu should start packing and vacate the office. Baba Yao allegedly printed URP  T-shirts and paid youths to sing and dance for Ruto in Kiambu county where Uhuru is the son of the soil. President Uhuru and Hon. Raila canceled their Central trips because they got intelligence that Waititu allegedly paid some section of youths to carry URP placards to show Uhuru and Raila during the tour. The same youths were alleged to have been paid by suspected person who is believed to be Waititu to jeer Uhuru and Raila during their tour in central Kenya. That information angered Uhuru so much which later led to withdrawal of security details of Waititu and tanga tanga team. All the manner of political sabotage Waititu is alleged to have hosted against Uhuru has made him an enemy of his community and that is how politicians begin to secure their own political death. If central Kenya still hold political homage to Uhuru as their leader, then Waititu will find it rough during 2022 campaigns in central Kenya. He will swallow stones and objects. You cannot win any political election in Kenya if you choose to work against the interest of your community members who are the principal voters. Waititu has killed his career and he will never be seen in any active political events unless he toes back and serve what his community wants. 
-If waititu is assured that the Mumbi community are all behind William Ruto, and he is assured of 60% support for Ruto in Kiambu county which is Uhuru's home ground, then I would advice him to go on with his current political sabotage against Uhuru in Central.

Friday, May 24, 2019

KENYAN POLITICS; Uhuru will not support Ruto 2022 presidential bid.

Many people are asking questions whether Uhuru will support Ruto presidential bid in 2022.?The answer is big NO.

                                        Uhuru does not owe Dr. William Ruto anything.

                                                   Help me Answer below questions;

1. When Dr. William Ruto decamped ODM for support of Uhuru, did he move out of his former Orange party because he had read and understood manifestos of Uhuru and got convinced that Uhuru's Manifestos held good political fruits for his Kallenjin community than what ODM had in its Manifestos there before? OR did Mt. Kenya mafias and political strategists paid Ruto through his friend Uhuru to lure him out of ODM for support of their preferred candidate for political succession and enjoyment of power from Kibaki?

2. Between Mt. Kenya votes and Rift votes loyal to Ruto, which region voted for the duo in 2013 and 2017 in higher number than the other?

3. Between Uhuru and Ruto, who made one another more powerful politically with consideration to loyal ethnic voting matrix and number.?

4.  Mt. Kenya voted for Jubilee with more than 5million votes and Rift valley in favor of Ruto gave Jubilee around 2.6 million votes. Don't you think Mt. Kenya votes made Ruto who he is to day?

5. Ruto became a well known millionaire after ascending to the post of deputy president. Don't you think that Mt. Kenya voters are one the strong political pillars which changed the financial status of Ruto?

                         International Criminal Court rescue.

Dr. William Ruto with his own might as the former minister for higher education could not lift himself out of ICC. Mama Ngina made more than ten trips to England to visit the family of queen Elizabeth to seek help for the release of her Son Uhuru Kenyatta. Because Uhuru could not get released a lone and leave Ruto behind, Mama Ngina had to show mercy and favor for all of them which later saw the duo off the ICC hook. Ruto received his release as a surprise and the greatest miracle he will never forget in his entire life.

                                   Queen Elizabeth's Intervention.

The queen family allegedly summoned Ocampo and Besoudar for a meeting which is believed to have altered the evidence that the court had against the duo and later resulted into the withdrawal of all cases labeled against Uhuru and Ruto. Ruto, the child of a peasant, could not attempt to approach anybody in the whole world to help them save their son from the fangs of ICC. Mama Ngina helped Ruto so much and Ruto as a person knows it very well, he will forever remained indebted to Kenyatta family.

                  Kenya State House race is purely based on political interest.

Kikuyu political advisers and strategists have send signals to the president and Mt. Kenya mafias that they cannot afford to remain in political oblivion 2022 as well as can't short change Ruto and allow Uhuru to remain powerful from 2022. The only medicine which can save all Kikuyu voters and their business across the country only lies in new political outfit between Kikuyus' long time political enemies who are;  Luos, Kambas and Luyhas.  Kikuyu political class are focusing on what can see them have one of their own with more powers in the executive. The vision is not achievable If Ruto is allowed to become president. This is why Uhuru is keen in close working relation with Hon. Raila, Kalonzo and Mudavadi. If the mutual political relationship between Uhuru and NASA team is maintained , Uhuru will still fall somewhere in between Prime Minister or ceremonial president. Either of the positions can't be  reserved for Uhuru or any kikuyu leader if  Ruto becomes president. Neither can the businesses of Kikuyu tycoons remain safe in the hands Ruto as the head of state. Ruto has never been close to famous billionaires in Kenya hence limited chances for the business men to trust Ruto with their resources. The said billionaires business men are true buddies of Raila and they are very comfortable with Hon. Raila as either ceremonial president or Prime Minister with executive powers.
William Ruto on the other hand has his hands tied because he cannot blander to point a Kikuyu as his running mate. If he makes a mistake to choose a Kikuyu as his running mate 2022, that cmay spark fury and hunger from Kenyans against Kikuyu-Kallenjin leadership over other 41tribes since 1963.
Uhuru must remain at executive up to 2027 to give Kikuyus enough time to settle on their next political kingpin.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

HANDSHAKE GOVERNMENT; Kenyans will be ruled by handshake Government from 2022.

What handshake means to Kenyans.

It is a political truce between president Uhuru Kenyatta and Opposition leader Hon. Raila Odinga. The truce surfaced after the 2017 disputed presidential election. Uhuru Kenyatta with his political team in Jubilee party were announced the winner of the election while Raial Odinga with his team rejected the announcement as doctored and untrue. The dispute erupted violence, lost of properties and lives. Uhuru was sworn in as the president elect and Raila later sworn himself as peoples' president. The two swearing in divided the country along ethnic communities which raised tension and animosity amongst Kenyans. People allied to Raila had started regrouping themselves as a different country with their own president. The said Raila team were planning to start collecting tax to finance their president. Uhuru Kenyatta on his side were planning to arrest Raila and charge him with treason so that he may get friendly ground to rule. All the plans from  Raila and Uhuru side did not yield effective result coercing the two to come together as a team on 29/3/2018 dubbed HANDSHAKE.

                  Handshake has proved better than UhruRuto Government.

Since the conception of the political dΓ©tente between Uhuru and Raila, Kenyans have witnessed better ruling system than before. Historic events witnessed were fight of corruption where high profile individuals have spent several days in police custody. That was never the case in the Jubilee administration in first term. Development has been spread equally across the country in all regions. This is contrary to Jubilee Government first term where developments were meant for those who are in Government. Sate appointments has been balanced across all ethnic communities while in the Jubilee first term the appointment for state Jobs were for only two tribes which were in power. There has been reduced tension between opposition and Government supporters while in Jubilee first term administration the NASA and JUBILEE supporters were passionate enemies.

                           Handshake will win election fairly come 2022. 

Supporters of NASA are all happy with the way Government is running its affairs. Those from NASA who never liked Uhuru and Ruto are now happier than before with Uhuru's new style of governance but they still hate Ruto. Jubilee supporters are with Uhuru and handshake at 65% while the remaining 35% are consistent with team Ruto or hustler. Nasa had following from Kalonzo, Mdavadi, Joho, Wetangula, Isaac Ruto, and Raila. NASA is still intact. The few individuals who left NASA after the handshake are the guys who were back biting the coalition in favor of Ruto and their exodus is politically non effective. NASA has added Uhuru and his Kieleweke team to their team leaving William Ruto and his liability friends like Waititu, Aisha Jumwa, Waluke, Rashid Echesa ,Boni Khalwale, and south rift politicians.
Only central Kenya is suffering political division with team Tanga Tanga and team Kieleweke. Luo Nyanza, Rift valley and Central Kenya have never been divided politically because they all understand the fruits of political power. Central Kenya Political strategists and Mt. Kenya Mafias will not allow Ruto to continue dividing their political sobriety for his own personal gain. That is why Moses Kuria was advised to register a political party to be deemed as the house of Mumbi. The Kuria's party will engulf team Kieleweke and team Tanga Tanga in central Kenya will be treated as enemies of Mumbi success and that will be the end of Team Tanga talk in Central. Hon. Kimani Ichungwa and Kabogo are not honest supporters of Ruto but rather than spies deployed by Uhuru strategists to monitor Ruto and report his actions. Kimani Ichungwa and other leaders from Central Kenya will decamp Ruto by 2021 and team up with Moses Kuria in his new political vehicle.

                          How leadership will be divided under handshake government in 2022.

1. Prime Minister with executive powers for five renewable years will be either RAILA/UHURU. This will be determined by the candidate who will have more MPs in the national assembly.

2. President  will have slots of some ministers in the cabinet but ceremonial for non renewable 7years.This  will be either RAILA/UHURU. This will be determined by the candidate who will have minority MPs in the national assembly.

3. Prime Minister will have two deputies who are automatically Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka for Either Uhuru or Raila, Second deputy prime minister will be Hon. Msalia Mdavadi

4. The ceremonial president will have one deputy who is automatically Gideon Moi for either Uhuru or Raila. Other leaders like Joho, Amason Kingi, Obado, Rasanga, Oparanya,Kivutha Kibwana, will be the first heads of most powerful ministries.

The question am therefore asking; where is Ruto with Wetangula and Boni Khalwale?

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

KENYA POLITICS. Naked truth behind Gold scam and involvement of Uhuru and Raila.

                                                        Meaning of Gold.
It is a chemical element which occurs naturally and has atomic number of 79 in the chemistry periodic table. It symbolized as Au. It is bright in its pure form and yellowish in deem. I one of the most expensive natural elements in the World.

                                             Price Of Gold.

One gram of pure Gold is sold at US$ 40.944 where as one Kilogram costs around US$ 40984.92.

                           Top ten countries Producing Gold the most in the World.

2. United States
4.South Africa
10. Brazil.

                Top 4 courtiers producing Gold in Africa.

1. Ghan
2. Mali
3. Tanzania
4. Guinea

                         How Kenya was involved in Gold scam.

I t started when Some Kenyans were mentioned in Congo Gold scam(this blog bars their names for legality reason). The Kenya nationals went to Congo in search of ready market for Gold since they Know Congo is one of the country which produces Gold in larger quantity in Africa. The scammers knew that at Congo they would get potential buyer because Congo is a destination of many potential Gold byers from different parts of the world.. The alleged criminals later went left Congo and returned later with an offer for ready buyers. The allegedly bought some small quantity of Original Gold and flew with them to Kenya. The small quantity of Gold were bought ostensibly as an exhibit to a buyer who would demonstrate interest in the element.

                            How Dubai ruler kin was conned by Kenya scammers.

It all began last year  September on sixteenth  when one of the Kenyan business man confidently promised to transport 5.1tones of Gold from Congo to Kenya by road. It became a surprise to the buyer two days later when he was informed that the consignment was held at Jomo Kenyatta Airport. Mr. Zandi, pictured above purported to have consulted Hon Moses Wentangular to help his Gold detained at Jomo Kenyatta Airport to be released.

                                             Wetangula Involvement.

So many questions remained unanswered. If the consignment which were believed to belong to Dubai National Mr. Zandi ,was detained at Jomo Kenyatta Airport, why did he just decide to contact Hon Wetangula? who introduced him to the senator? how did he know that Watangula has the capacity to help him get the Gold? was Wetangula a ware that the later had been conned? how did con men connect him with Wetangula? Why was the man furious and angry at Wetangula in the audio recording? why was he lecturing wetangula if he sought his services as a lawyer? Hon Moses Wetangula is a person of great interest in this matter and he must be committed to clear the air over this game.

                                     Raila, Uhuru involvement.

The Dubai ruler family approached Hon.Raila Odinga in April this year when he went to Dubai for his Africa infrastructure follow up. The royal family requested to meet him. Raila as always respectful to everyone heeded to their request and met them. In the meeting, there was one Kenyan who was representing the alleged Gold business men in Kenya. The Family explained to Raila how their kin was taken into circles in Kenya and later lost close to 400millions shillings. The Kenyan national who was present at the meeting confided to the family that the deal was still on and their Gold will finally reach them. The business men representative was confident enough even to assure them that interior cabinet Secretary Hon Matinagi was a ware and him too is working round the clock to help the Gold get released. Upon the statement, Hon Raila asked the man to call Dr. Matiangi in his presence to confirm his claims, the later was ordered by Raila and Dubai family to put his phone on laud speaker. Interestingly, this man called a complete different person with Matiangi and Hon Raila asked him to stop the conversation in front of everyone. Raila told him off "that is not the voice of Matiangi".

Immediately Raila arrived in the country from Dubai in April, he asked to meet Uhuru confidently where he narrated the whole saga to the president. Lately, when Raila and Uhuru went to china for diverse duties, they all agreed to meet in Dubai later for a meeting where they visited the Dubai ruler family where president Uhuru himself heard the voice of Mr. Wetangula and other con men in the audio. When Uhuru landed in Kenya from Dubai, he ordered to meet all intelligent and CIDs where he directed them to promptly investigate the matter and bring everyone involve to book.

Friday, May 17, 2019

KENYA POLITICS: Deputy President Willian Ruto Can Be A President Of Kenya.

Who Is William Chipchirchir Samoei Arap Ruto.

He is A Kenya Politician who is currently serving as a deputy President Of the republic Of Kenya. He was first elected as deputy president in the year 2013 with President Uhuru Kenyatta as his Boss on Jubilee party ticket. Ruto first won parliamentary election of Eldoret North in the year 1997 on KANU Ticket which was the ruling party. He was appointed assistant Minister in the office of the president in 1998 by Former President Daniel Moi. In the year 2002 he was promoted to senior minster of  Home Affairs. Between 5 and 8 August 2014, the Deputy President served as acting President when President Uhuru went to International criminal court where he was charged with crime against humanity alongside Dr. Ruto. While In parliament, Mr. Ruto served as chainman of select committee for parliamentary for constitutional reforms. Under the power sharing between Hon. Raila Odinga and Mwai Kibaki between 2007-2013, William Ruto was appointed Minister for Agriculture where he was later dismissed by his ODM party leader Raila Odinga following integrity grounds of Maize scandal. He was later reappointed By president Kibaki who was serving as Kenyan President and Raila was the prime minister. He served as the secretary General of KANU in 1998.

                                Can He Become President In 2022???

Deputy president Dr. William Ruto cannot become the president of Kenya in 2022 Or 2027. He can become the president in 2032 however, his presidency ambition can still be stopped when 2032 arrives.

                                     Factors Which Dent Ruto's Presidency In 2022.

1.   Corruption allegations.   Previously, Kenya has been bedeviled by swindling of public funds without stun action from the ruling Authority. President Uhuru Kenyatta has decided to deal with corruption head on as one of the legacy he wants to live behind him. When Ruto became the deputy President in their first term of ruling, he became too careless, too much aggressive and excessively arrogant with his ethics and integrity. He allowed his cronies in the government agencies to steal public money carelessly without considering what may be fall them in future. Ruto and his allies in first term of Jubilee Government were confident that they were untouchable regardless of massive constitutional violation. We can remember very well, before Kenyans could go for 2017 general election, one Mr. Mwangi went to court to seek the source of Ruto's Wealth. Where did Mwangi go to? he was stopped by Mt. Kenya political strategist because his actions would deny Uhuru votes from Rift Valley and Uhuru would have failed terribly in the election without Kalenjin Votes. Do you Remember  Nick Salat representing KANU at Uhuru Park when NASA was launching it's manifesto? how could Nick Salat take KANU to Nasa and KANU belongs to Moi who is close political trustee of Uhuru Kenyatta? It is because KANU wanted Jubilee to fail so that Ruto could loose the power he was enjoying. Later Uhuru Visited Mio at his Kabarak Home and pleaded for support of KANU. Courtesy of Uhuru, KANU recanted its support for NASA and rallied behind Jubilee.
The Mwangi with corruption case in court and KANU support for NASA is still alive owing to the fact that Uhuru will not vie again. COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli is not a mad man to tell you that Ruto's name will not appear in the ballot in 2022 election. That is a matter which was discussed with lawyers, experts and political analysts and they found enough grounds to bar Ruto from contesting in the coming election. Ruto through his proxies allegedly stole money carelessly in the first term of Jubilee Government and Uhuru Government has enough evidence to exude against Ruto in court so that he may be barred from running for the top seat in 2022. Ruto's Corruption Allegations may take him 10 years to cleanse himself before he can be legally allowed to run for Presidency.
Mama Ngina( the President's Biological Mother) once complained in public that Ruto has pushed Uhuru under Siege through often and several black mails by virtue of his Kallenjin Votes. The complains from Mama Ngina were silenced to pave way for 2017 general election.

2.    Kenyan Presidency is won by ethnic voting Blocks. Three main tribes who are politically sensitive must always offer their support for a candidate to Win election. The tribes whose votes normally determine who wins presidential election are ; Kallenjins votes, Kikuyu Votes and Luo votes. These are the tribes who can never be divided to vote in diverse presidential boxes since they all know the benefits which come from Politics. No body can divide them politically. It either Kallenjins to form coalition with Luos against Kikuyus Like it happened in 2007 where the ODM won and electoral commission were defeated to announce legit result due to pressure from the Ruling Government. OR, Luos forming coalition with Kikuyus against Kallenjins as they did in 2002 where Mio and Uhuru as his project conceded defeat when counting was still goin on and also Luos, Kikuyus Unity over powered colonists until they heeded to independent call. OR, Kikuyus forming coalition with Kallenjins against Luos as it was witnessed in 2013 and 2017. William Ruto is alone. Luos and Kikuyus have automatically united against Ruto. Moreover, Gideon Moi with KANU and Isaac Ruto with Pesa Mashinani Party have been placed to feud against Ruto in Rift Valley to split his votes.

3.   The Presidential Candidate Must Have International Support and Network. Raila has friends all over the world starting with India Prime Minister, DC Congo president Hon. Shikeddy, Tanzania President Pombe Magufuli, Former Ghana President Nana Kufu Ado, Former President Of Nigeria Hon. Obassanjo, Russians, Israelites and Germany politicians. Uhuru is current President and therefore he has managed to make friendship with world wide leaders other than Queen Elizabeth's Family. Who are Ruto Friends a part from Waititu, Khalawale, Ichungwa, Jumwa among other Tanaga Tanga  teams. Who can come to his Aid should the government decide to steal his votes in 2022?

4. Presidential Candidate Must Have Die Hard Supporters and Grass root mobilization. Raila has supporters who can take bullets for him until the Government listens to him. Raila can impose a public Holyday and half of the country heeds to his call. Can Ruto do the same and bring businesses in Nairobi to a stand still??

5. Regional Voting Supports; William Ruto Needs at least Half of Votes from Coast Region, Kisii community, Luyha nation, Somalia People, Kamba Nation and Nairobi Region.. Among all the regions, which Region do you think Ruto can get at least 40% of total votes cast as at now? Ruto is only sure with 75% votes from Bomet, Uasin Gishu, Nandi, Kericho and Elgeyo Marakwet counties. Baringo, Turkana, Kajiado, Isiolo, Marsabit Samburu and Nakuru may vote for him at around 55%.  the voting pattern can only happen if the court will allow him to contest for presidency 2022. From next Year, the Supreme Court of Kenya must brace itself to handle eligibility battle  of Ruto to vie as A president of Kenya in 2022 or not.