Saturday, April 6, 2019

KENYA POLITICS; Lessons ODM learned from Ugenya,Embakasi South by -election

Many political parties have failed to respect and live by the will and wish of electorates. ODM is one of the parties which have been witnessed conducting shambolic nominations characterised with assaults, insults and loss of lives. In 2007 ODM nominations was linked with deaths of some of its followers across the country, in 2013 and 2017 the same unfortunate loss of lives and destruction of properties were spectacle in ODM primaries.

Why does ODM conduct shambolic careless and violent nomination in its strong hold areas?
Number one,ODM aspirants are always assured of victory in the subsequent parliamentary election after the part primaries. Two, some people believe that ODM nominated candidates enjoy the benefits of the party resources for campaign for main election. Three ODM nominated candidates believe that Raila supporters cannot be tempted to shame "Baba" by voting against his party. Four, some ODM officials have lived by poor narrative that whoever is endorsed by "Baba in his political tough regions cannot loose election. Five,Some politicians  within ODM strong hold regions have been relying on the political shadows, favor and strength of "Baba" with assumption that standing behind him or mentioning his name in press conferences is enough tool to win an election.

The above reasons have plugged some ODM officials both at county and national level in a pool of conducting  incredible nominations without fairness and transparency. For a very long time ODM has been blamed for heavy briberies at the party head quarters for issuance of nomination certificates. Many politicians who have been members of the party before have raised bitter protest against the manner which the party handles some candidates before, during and after nomination. However, the party national governing councils have never woken up to seek redress of the malpractices within the party.

For instances; in Ugenya constituency, Hon David Ochieng is alleged to have won the ODM parliamentary nomination in 2017 but because he could not raise huge millions to secure nomination certificate, he was denied his political right and his closet challenger Mr Karen who is a relative to Saiya Senator James Orengo was given the nomination certificate. In Malindi constituency, Hon Aisha Jumwa is alleged to have lost the contest at the nomination level but because she paraded as one of the strong soldiers for "Baba" ,she was handed the certificate and the winner of the nomination test together with the will of Malindi people was kicked into dust bin. One MCA from Nairobi city assembly also was spotted crying along city hall corridors complaining that he paid Kshs3million  to secure nomination from ODM having strong faith that he will recover his money upon getting to the Assembly, apparently Governor Sonko has sealed all the loop holes that the latter could use to amass illegal wealth for recovery. In Siaya County  2013gubenatorial nomination certificate was issued to third place candidate because the party could not ascertain the winner between  Hon.Uburu Odinga and Mr. Oduor.

Mr,Ishrad Sumra also could not win Mebakasi South 5th ,April by-election because he was given his chance in 2013 but he used most of his tenure standing behind Raila during press conferences and working hard for the party. He exposing the lives of Embakasi South people in serious development threat. Sumra  really tried to make his party happy all the times and neglected his constituents. Politicians must be reminded that party does not vote and therefore does not need much of their attention. Politicians must give their electorates 100% of their attention and serve them with passion, compassion and empathy. In my opinion, passion means doing something within your best knowledge and give results which comfort your emotional feelings, compassion means authentic desire to make the live of people better and happier than before not to make party better and happier than before.Empathy means feeling the problems your people feel and take action to correct situation so that people may feel better than before not party to feel better than before.

The people of Ugenya and Embakasi South have spoken louder to the political parties and their officials that power and sovereignty belongs to all Kenyans regardless of their social, political or financial status. It is a high time that politicians must wake up and begin to conduct their businesses in accordance to articles; 10,38 and 81 of the Kenyan constitution. The voice of the majority must always remain the main commander in_chief to all and the voice of the minority in the political offices must sit and listen to the Majority wish.

Congratulations Hon. David Otieno and Hon. Julius Mawathe for clinching the by-election in Ugenya and Embakasi South constituencies respectively. Go to parliament and make your constituents(people) happy and not your parties and their officials. You better make party to complain against you than to push your people on the suffering side. Once again Pongezi sana waheshimiwa. The people have spoken in your favor, make use of their voice.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

KENYA POLITICS; Why did Ruto refuse to attend state function in Kakamega county.


  • DP, Dr. William Ruto surprised many Kenyans when he decided to dodge much anticipated state function in Kakamega County. The deputy president was scheduled to launch the state new digital registration number dubbed "Huduma number." President Uhuru Kenyatta launched the massive digital registration in Machakos county. opposition leaders ; Kalonzo Musyoka, Msalia Mdavadi, Moses Wetangula and ODM leader Raila Odinga led the launching in Muranga,Kajiado and Mombasa counties respectively. Dr. Ruto was expected to copy paste the same activity in Kakamega county but he decided to send Sports Cabinet Secretary Amb. Amina Mohamed, Devolution Cabinet secretary Eugine Wamalwa and Agriculture Minister Mwangi Kiunjuri to represent him. The kakamega county Bass. Governor Oparanya and all the western region Mps allied to Dr. Ruto graced the event expecting to meet the political buddy to preside over the event.

    Everybody was left with their mouths agape when the Kakamega county commissioner stood in the midst of gathering and announce the absence of the chief guest, Dr. William Ruto. Sources close to the Dp revealed that principal deputy president was not impressed by the manner in which opposition leaders  hogged the exercise yet, Huduma number is a jubilee Government project. The deputy president decided to host Cuban Deputy president at his carren office which many belief was a trick to doge the launching of Huduma number exercise in Kakamega.

    President Uhuru Kenyatta on his launching for the same activity in Machakos county expressed his happiness with new digital registration which has posted Kenya among the developed countries such as US. UK and Australia which have been running the details of  their citizens through National integrated Identification  system(Niims). The head of state informed the Machakos residents that the opposition leaders were also involved in launching of the same registration with details of their various counties of visits. However; the head of state did not inform the public where his deputy was expected to be on the same day with regard of the launching.

    Opposition  and ODM leader Raila Odinga on his Mombasa county launching was heard telling people in Mombasa that deputy president William was simultaneously launching the registration in Kakamega county. The state house head of communication also posted on its social media accounts detailing where every leader was presiding over the registration, on the details from state house, Deputy president was also confirmed to be in Kakakmega, county, However the launching by the Deputy President was later removed.

    Why do you think William Ruto was not happy with opposition leaders presiding over the launching of Government project?